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myFrasersProperty 13 38 38

Brookhaven Construction Update - The Grove Release Two

03 April 2024

Welcome to your first construction update for The Grove Release Two. We will provide you with regular updates on the progress of your land from now until settlement. These updates can be viewed within the myFrasersProperty App, which also provides easy access to your program rewards and benefits.

Construction Progress

Construction at The Grove is progressing well, with our contractor SEE Civil, having commenced clearing and bulk earthworks prior to Christmas. Despite the unforeseen wet weather this summer, the majority of earthworks are now complete, and the final retaining walls are currently being installed. The sewer network is also nearing completion, with manholes having recently been installed. Over the coming weeks, the team will continue to progress with the installation of stormwater infrastructure and commencement of roadworks.

Settlement Update

We are pleased to advise that settlement remains on schedule to occur mid-year. As always, our focus remains on quality and program as we work with our contractor to ensure we can settle your property as soon as possible. Should there be any change to this timing, our Customer Care team will be in contact with you.

Congratulations again on your purchase; we look forward to welcoming you to the Brookhaven community.

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