myFrasersProperty 13 38 38
myFrasersProperty 13 38 38

Fencing is mandatory to all rear and side boundaries across all lots within Five Farms.

At Five Farms we want to enhance the park-like character of the estate and fencing must be installed according to the following standards:

Front fencing is not permitted. For all corner lots and lots adjoining reserves there may be additional fencing requirements. All fencing is to comply with the endorsed Fencing Strategy (Hillsmeade Condition 9 - PlnA00571/19, Littlecroft Condition 5 - PA21-0705, Wirrinda Condition 4 – PA22-0447).
For corner lots where the lot depth is 21m or less, the length of fence located on the secondary frontage must not exceed 60% of the depth of the lot (excluding the corner splay) taken from the rear boundary towards the primary frontage.
Side and rear fencing to be 1.8m – 2.0m in height, including any capping.
Fencing is to be COLORBOND® Ironstone®
Fences on corner lots (as defined under House Orientation page 13 of the Five Farms Design and Siting Guidelines) must terminate at least 6m back from the front façade. They must also return to the dwelling to allow for corner treatment.
Side boundary fencing is not to come forward of 1.0m plus the minimum front setback from the front boundary allotment.
If your corner lot requires a plinth, it is recommend that it is painted to match your fence.
Wing return fencing, other than on a corner, is to be setback a minimum of 1.5m from the front of the dwelling.

Example of standard fencing


Example of fencing with plinth


Fencing and Lot Interface Strategy

Helpful Resources

The aim of these Design Guidelines is to create a neighbourhood character for the Five Farms community.

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Fill this in and return to us so that we can provide your contact details to your neighbours for the purpose of installing a fence.

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