Meet your new Development Director at The Waterfront, Shell Cove
Mathew Gulliver joined Frasers Property Australia, formerly known as Australand, in 2003 as an Apprentice Carpenter, where his passion and natural skill for woodworking broadened into construction and development. Now, he is the Development Director at Frasers Property Australia, working on The Waterfront, Shell Cove.
Mr Gulliver is no stranger to the Shell Cove community. In his previous role as Senior Development Manager, he was actively involved in the strategic planning and delivery of the masterplanned community since 2017.
Initially, he was tasked with overseeing the Harbour Boulevard extension to Bass Point Tourist Road as well as the design evolution and development application for Precinct A. In 2018, he became involved with the tender and contract for the Shellharbour Marina works and has since taken primary management for delivering the Shell Cove Harbour and its Marina infrastructure through to completion. Mr Gulliver was also involved in the design of the Ancora Apartments and initiated many of the concept design layouts for the townhouses and terraces under construction today.
“Becoming heavily involved in the construction of an asset like the Shell Cove Harbour and its Marina in 2019 was certainly a highlight and a challenge at the time,” says Mr Gulliver.
“For many years I had the privilege of walking behind the construction fences and seeing this amazing asset being created for the community. Working with a dedicated team alongside Shellharbour City Council to bring the entire Harbour area to completion in October 2021 was certainly a significant and surreal moment particularly after years of anticipation and the efforts of many that have come before me.
“It has been very humbling to see the community embrace The Waterfront Foreshore, particularly enjoying the walk around the harbour to the breakwaters, and young kids playing at the Kids Beach when the weather is warm. The area enables great community connections, with active outdoor activities supported by the new infrastructure,” he says.
Looking ahead, Mr Gulliver says his focus for 2022 is on delivering new homes and creating a strong, engaged community for existing and new customers.
“Now that the major infrastructure pieces are complete, the focus is on coordinating our dedicated team to bring design excellence to the balance of the homes and amenities. Ultimately, we want to fulfil the vision for Shell Cove to become the pride of the Illawarra.
“Shell Cove will continue to grow with more residents moving into their new homes and joining the community. For those in the community looking for a home, we will have several home releases throughout the year and our next release of luxury harbourfront apartments will be released later in 2022.
“The road and infrastructure works will soon commence on what will likely be the last ever land lots at The Waterfront, Shell Cove, with completion expected in 2023. The community can also look forward to more restaurants opening in The Waterfront Dining Precinct later this year.
“I am most looking forward to managing and working alongside a skilled, driven and dedicated team. We as a team, alongside Shellharbour City Council, have a belief and vision to deliver great places and foster a strong and vibrant community.
“The acknowledgment of myself as the new Development Director cannot be given without the acknowledgement of the team at Frasers Property that I represent and the partnership that Frasers Property values with Shellharbour City Council.”
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