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Frasers Property Australia’s corporate governance framework is designed to be an essential foundation on which to build, evolve and innovate a business which is sustainable over the long term and is resilient in the demands of a dynamic environment.

Companies seeking to partner with Frasers Property Australia should be aware of the policies which govern our conduct and the conduct of our collaborators. On this page you can download a selection of the most relevant policies affecting collaborators.


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Code of Business Conduct

Frasers Property Australia’s Directors, management and employees are required to maintain high ethical standards of conduct. Frasers Property Australia’s Code of Business Conduct is periodically reviewed and endorsed by the Board and covers dealings with both external parties and internal operations.

Frasers Property Australia’s corporate governance policies and documents are set out below:

Other key corporate governance documents

Reconciliation Action Plan

Undertaking a Reconciliation Action Plan has been important for Frasers Property, and even more so as we continue on our Reconciliation journey through the development of our second Innovate RAP, acknowledging that genuine reconciliation is a long-term commitment that we’re proud to be on. Our RAP has facilitated important conversations with Traditional Owners, leading to long-lasting relationships and better outcomes for our communities and our projects.

Modern Slavery Report

At Frasers Property, we are committed to respecting, protecting and improving the rights and wellbeing of all people. Our aim is to eliminate modern slavery within our operations and supply chains by preventing, mitigating and remediating our risks.

With our first Modern Slavery Statement published in March 2021, we’re building upon the progress made and will continue to disclose our growth through these annual statements. We recognise that there is still a long journey ahead and we are committed to working towards combatting modern slavery as we continue to expand our knowledge and experience.

Voluntary Tax Transparency Code

The Tax Transparency Code (TTC) is a set of principles and minimum standards developed by the Board of Taxation to guide medium and large businesses on public disclosure of tax information.

Frasers Property Australia has robust Tax Governance and Risk Management frameworks developed and reviewed in line with guidelines provided by the ATO. Frasers Property Australia has prepared Voluntary Tax Transparency Reports since 2016, which feature detailed information about our company’s tax affairs, including our attitude towards managing tax, our tax governance processes and how much tax we pay during each financial year.

View our Voluntary Tax Transparency Reports: