Community Update August 2024

26 August 2024

You're warmly invited to the Frasers Landing Community Centre for A Very Neighbourly BBQ Catchup!

DATE: Sunday September 15, 2024
VENUE: 1 Landings Boulevard, Coodanup ( Frasers Landing Community Centre)
TIME: 12-2pm
BRING: A comfy chair, drinks and a plate to share. Feel free to bring down a board game or pack of cards to have some fun too!
RSVP: Get your FREE ticket on this link

We have also invited some local community groups to join us including Mandurah Community Garden who will reveal their fabulous ‘Grow Cart’ built with love by Mandurah Men’s Shed. The Grow Cart is a method by which the wider community can receive our produce for free. With no need for reciprocation or acknowledgment, you can take anything you want and contribute any excess produce you have (fruit, veg, herbs, eggs, chutney, etc) or recycling items. How great is that.

For information about this event, please contact

Frasers Landing Community Centre

There is always a hive of activity with art groups, craft, mosaics, photography clubs, social ukelele classes, nature groups and more. You can visit our community noticeboard or our Frasers Landing website for more details.

Walking Group

Get to know your neighbours at the newly formed Frasers Landing Walking Group who meet up on Thursdays at 10am from the river foreshore playground. And why not grab a book from the street library on the way home!

Dates for the Diary:

September 15 A Very Neighbourly BBQ at Frasers Landing Community Centre
October 12 Wonders of our Wetlands Festival – Coodanup Foreshore

General Works

The new park which is included as part of Stage 4 Rivers Edge works, is progressing well with practical completion expected at the end of September. The newly transplanted Coral tree is enjoying its new location. Play equipment is being installed and we’re looking forward to seeing the new shelters within the park soon.

Over the years, we have noticed an increase in the number of Carp thriving in the man-made Parkland Lake. These are a pest and are destructive to native marine life. We are in the process of eradicating these from the lake and will update you with timings once confirmed.

There is certainly a flurry of construction activity underway throughout the estate and we thank our community for their patience whilst these works are underway.

Finally, if you've got ideas about how you'd like to build community here at Frasers Landing – reach out to our Community Team today

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Michelle Mrzyglocki National Community Development Coordinator PERTH