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with Anthony Boyd
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with Anthony Boyd
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Mambourin Green is located within the suburb of Mambourin and is situated just west of the existing Frasers Property Mambourin development. The new community extends from Black Forest Road in the south to Greens Road in the north.
Mambourin Green is being developed by Frasers Property Australia
Frasers Property Australia is one of Australia’s leading property companies. We are genuinely diversified, active in residential, retail, commercial, mixed-use and built-to-rent.
Established in Australia in 1924, our reputation and expertise is built on almost a century of Australian placemaking, creating stronger, smarter, happier neighbourhoods that enhance the way people live life together. Today, more than 350,000 people proudly call a Frasers Property community home.
Everything we focus on – from design to construction, to sustainability and community development – speaks to our unwavering commitment to excellence and quality. We also stand by our customers and have expert support and personalised care at every step of the buying journey and well after moving in.
To learn more about Frasers Property Australia, visit
The Sales Office is located on the corner of Barrabool Boulevard & Resin Street, Mambourin VIC 3024.
The Mambourin Marketplace is scheduled for delivery in Q3 2025, and will include a Coles supermarket amongst other specialty stores, cafes and restaurants. Currently, the closest shopping centre is Wyndham Vale Square Shopping Centre.
We have a future proposed train station planned for Mambourin. In the mean time, the closest train stations are Wydnham Vale Train Station and Werribee Train Station.
Mambourin Green is a masterplanned community with a significant range of features including:
- Approx 22 hectares of open space including district and local level parks, sports ovals, a natural creek corridor and leafy green boulevards providing a range of shared paths and off-road bicycle paths.
- An exclusive Residents Club offering a luxury retreat for the family with heated 25m swimming pool, spa and splash deck, as well as multi-courts, BBQ, gym, sauna, function rooms and a family zone.
- A local Village Centre focused on community uses such as a future Council Community Centre with kindergarten and MCH, childcare, cafes and potential retail uses such as medical, restaurants and more.
- Future Government Primary School (P-6) and Secondary School (7-12) as well as access to existing schools such as Laa Yulta Primary School and Kindergarten and Good News Lutheran College.
You can view the available lots and homes to purchase at Mambourin here.
To register your interest at Mambourin, visit or call Frasers Property on 13 38 38 or email