Port Coogee Community Update - August 2024

Welcome to our August Community Update. Spring is in the air at Port Coogee and that’s our signal to commence the event season!
Coogee Beach Surf Lifesaving Club-Register now!
Coogee Beach Surf Lifesaving Club is taking registrations for Surf Babies and Surf Kids Programs at Coogee Beach! This is for children aged 2-7 years on Saturday mornings. More details and to sign up 👉🏻 mybeach.com.au/courses-programs/surfbabies-surfkids
Dates for the Diary
Friday September 13, 2024
Dinner at Dusk is BACK! with all the best food trucks in Perth. 4.30 – 8.30pm second Friday of the month September until May. Chieftain Esplanade.
More details here.
Sunday September 15, 2024
Coogee Beach Surf Life Saving Club Open Day 2024
There is something for everyone at the club and this is your chance to meet our volunteers, ask questions and SIGN-UP!
More details here.
Port Coogee Community Association
Joining the PCCA is easy. For eligibility and application forms, head to https://portcoogeeca.com.au and click on ‘Membership’.
The more members, the more of a voice! Membership is just $10 per financial year (July 1 to June 30). Members are invited to meetings which include food and drinks, and are also entitled to discount schemes with participating businesses.
The PCCA has already secured substantial funding from the City of Cockburn based on budgets submitted and the Association has progressed a number of initiatives to enhance our coastal lifestyle in Port Coogee.
Become a member today. More details here.
Helpful Community links:
Port Coogee Facebook Page - Visit.
Port Coogee Neighbours - Visit.
Port Coogee Community Association Facebook and Website.
Don’t forget, if you have ideas about how you’d like to build community here at Port Coogee please reach out to our community team and have a chat! Email today at communitywa@frasersproperty.com.au
General Construction Update
Waterfront Park
The waterfront park, located to the North of the Peninsula is currently in the final stages of design and will deliver expansive green space and picnic areas to the community. We will update you with timings for completion, once construction commences.
Tavern Site
This is in the Design Phase and we will share more information from the owners once this has been finalised.Rubbish
This delicate coastal environment relies on the general public to do the right thing. Ideally, if you are outdoors, please take your rubbish home and dispose of responsibly. If not, please seek a bin for your waste removal. If it’s full, then seek out another bin to dispose of your waste. Together, we need to protect the marine life and the environment in general.
We thank you for purchasing at Port Coogee and welcome our new residents to the community.
If you have any questions or suggestions for the community, please don't hesitate to contact our community team on communityWA@frasersproperty.com.au.
See more construction updates on