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myFrasersProperty 13 38 38

Port Coogee Construction Update - Omeo Edge - Stage 8

25 August 2023

Frasers Property look forward to providing regular updates on what’s happening in your neighbourhood.


Construction News

Stage 8 - Omeo Edge land release

 August 2023 Construction Update - Port Coogee 

The works for Omeo Edge (Stage 8) achieved Practical Completion in early August. We are unable to apply for the Certificate of Titles due to delays with securing clearance approval from Western Power. Although unfortunate, it has been a common situation across the industry in recent times. As more information becomes available, we will again update you. 

Finally, the landscaping design for Omeo Edge is currently under review for approval and works are anticipated to commence later in 2023.

August 2023 Construction Update - Port Coogee

August 2023 Construction Update - Port Coogee


Helpful Links

Builder Information


Community News

This vibrant community continues to thrive and planning is underway for events to recommence in the warmer months. This includes:


Event Season is Coming!

Summer Soul Festival 2018

The weather is warming up and that means event season is coming to Port Coogee! Here are some important dates for your diary. You can also stay updated with our events tab on our Facebook page as well!

- September 8 2023, Dinner @ Dusk (food trucks Chieftain Esplanade)

- October 13, 2023, Dinner @ Dusk

- November 10, 2023, Dinner @ Dusk

- December 1, 2023, Port Coogee Christmas Festival

- December 16, 2023 Christmas 10K Swim

Check out our Events page on Facebook.


Port Coogee Community Association

The Port Coogee Community Association's vision is to support the residents, and business community by enhancing the Port Coogee coastal lifestyle:

- A beautiful place to call home.

- A real sense of community.

- A vibrant place for all.


Their mission is to support four key pillars of community development, which are:

- Social wellbeing.

- Safety and security.

- Environment and infrastructure.

- Economic development. 


Many hands make light work so why not reach out and get involved today! For more information email  or visit the Facebook page. 


Business Networking?

August Community Update - Port Coogee

Do you want a business networking social meet up in Port Coogee?  Reach out to our community team and let’s get one started! 

As a standing invitation - please reach out to our community team if you have ideas or initiatives, you'd like to propose to keep building your Port Coogee community! 

Reach out to our Community team at


Helpful Community links: 

Port Coogee Facebook Page - Visit.
Port Coogee Neighbours - Visit.
Port Coogee Community Association Facebook and Website.

Do you have great community ideas? Reach out to our Community team at


We thank you for purchasing at Port Coogee and welcome our new residents to the community.

See more construction updates on

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