Welcome to our Wallara Waters Community

Wallara Waters is becoming a thriving and connected community, and once complete, will be home to over 4800 residents.

The Community Development program at Wallara Waters aims to build a strong, resilient, and healthy community that brings together residents from diverse socio-economic backgrounds in a truly integrated setting.

With events and activities specifically designed to help our community thrive, our dedicated Community Development team are focused on creating a bespoke, fun, sustainable and inclusive lifestyle for all residents in Wallara Waters.

What's coming up

Your dedicated Community Development team

At Wallara Waters, we are fortunate to have an experienced Community Development Manager, supported by the entire Victorian Community Development team.

Michelle, your dedicated Community Development Manager, has a focus on the following aims for your community:

  • Creating a vibrant, dynamic and accessible environment for you and your family.
  • Building a happy, healthy community where residents are supported to fulfil their potential.
  • Developing a proud, connected and inclusive community where people can be authentically themselves and feel like they belong.
  • Celebrate Wallara Waters as a strong, smart, and empowered community.

Michelle’s commitment to you is to be open to the ideas of our community, to take a collaborative approach, and to promote social inclusion and economic participation.

Collaboration is at the heart of these core values. Creating opportunities to listen to you and hear about your aspirations for community life, and engaging with people in the community enables residents and stakeholders to actively contribute to the growth of Wallara Waters in a way that works for them. By working together, we can create a sense of vibrancy, belonging, and ensure the well-being of all residents.

If you are interested in learning more about events in Wallara Waters, our Community Development team, or wish to partner with us on projects, please don't hesitate to reach out.

Contact our Community Development Team


Wallan District Cricket Club

Wallan District Cricket Club are our newest sponsor partner.

The Wallan District Cricket Club is the largest cricket club in Mitchell Shire and has the highest number of junior male and female players in Mitchell, including the most female teams.

In recent years, the Club have been able to work with Council to obtain new enclosed nets with retractable internal netting that promote flexibility for training, including by other sports. Their five-lane synthetic cricket net facility at Greenhill Reserve (with one lane available for public use when not in use by the Club) provides increased participation opportunities for the club’s rapidly growing membership, and is only 5 minutes from Wallara Waters.

We are excited by the opportunities this new partnership will provide for Wallara Waters residents, with the Club actively looking for new ways to engage with our community.

We are proud to support and sponsor this fantastic Club.

Mitchell Rangers Soccer Club

Wallara Waters has been a proud sponsor of Mitchell Rangers Soccer Club since 2019 and we are thrilled to continue to support this family-friendly, inclusive Club.

The Club was established in 2003 by a group of parents committed to broadening the diversity of sporting opportunities in the southern Mitchell Shire and neighbouring towns. They have an ethos of praise, encouragement, and respect for all players, including opponents.

Their inclusive approach saw them recently receive the Access and Inclusion award at Mitchell Shire Council’s community awards on Australia Day, recognised for its All-Abilities Gala Day.

This incredible Club continues to grow and thrive from its small beginnings in 2003, to the thriving Club it is today. Although the Club is based in Broadford, they are regular attendees at Wallara Waters events.

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Past events and activities