What's on at The Grove

Meet our residents

Project progress update

Stay up to date with all that is happening at The Grove. Watch the video below to discover the latest updates about upcoming amenity, settlement and other exciting news for the community.

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At Frasers Property, we draw inspiration from the world's most dynamic urban transformations. At The Grove, we're creating a vibrant community with a magnet for diversity and energy. Join us in shaping a special place where everyone can thrive.
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Experience the tranquility of Riverside living at The Grove! ✨ With the beautiful Werribee River located a few minutes away, your weekends can be filled with strolling, cycling, fishing, kayaking, or simply relaxing along the riverbanks. Discover the perfect blend of adventure and serenity at your doorstep. 🚴‍♂️🎣
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Discover the house and land package you've been dreaming of! The Tathra by Fairhaven Homes features 5 spacious bedrooms, 5 bathrooms, and a 2-car garage, starting from $935,552. This is your chance to immerse yourself into an established, welcoming community, and really feel at home from the moment you move in.
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🎉 Wishing everyone a fantastic long weekend! Just a reminder, we'll be closed this Monday, so make sure to plan accordingly. Enjoy your break, and we'll see you back on Tuesday.
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Welcome to The Grove 👋 Growing children will never have to go far to get a great education with Karwan Primary School and Brinbeal Secondary College just a short walk away. There are a choice of shopping centres, restaurants and cafés for today’s modern families, which all go to make Riverside at The Grove ideal in every way. So, what are you waiting for?
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Discover the perfect blend of nature and convenience at The Grove! By the banks of Werribee River, this location isn’t just beautiful— it’s incredibly practical. Easy access to Tarneit Train Station and the Princes Highway makes commuting simple. Find your dream home here!
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We love having the Little Growling Cafe right here at The Grove, this is the local favourite and the perfect spot for birthdays and celebrations! Come down, try something yummy, and grab a coffee ☕.
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