Dust monitoring has been installed around the perimeter of the Bradmill site and is checked continuously. There are 3 dust monitors around the northern, eastern, and southern perimeters of the site.
These monitors measure the Daily Average Particulate Matter (PM) and Concentration PM. Particulate matter, also known as particle pollution or PM, is a term that describes extremely small solid particles and liquid droplets suspended in air. Particulate matter can be made up of a variety of components including nitrates, sulphates, organic chemicals, metals, soil or dust particles, and allergens (such as fragments of pollen or mould spores).
The Daily Average PM and Concentration PM refer to dust concentrations for particle sizes of 2.5 microns and 10 microns in size. 1 micron is 1micrometre = 1/1000th of a millilitre.
To minimise the generation and transport of dust, Bradmill remediation contractor Winslow has adopted the recommended control and mitigation measures from the Civil Construction, Building and Demolition Guide (Publication 1834). Ongoing control measures include:
- Schedule dust generating activities by avoiding adverse weather conditions, such as during hot (above 30 degrees Celsius) and dry periods, high winds, and days with poor air quality.
- Manage soil disturbance to minimise the adverse impacts.
- Stage soil work to minimise areas of exposure.
- Stop works if dust from the site is visible beyond the site boundaries. Resume works only when effective controls can be implemented, or weather conditions and air quality improve.
- Supress dust by using water carts to wet down areas where works are occurring.
- Stabilise vehicle movement areas to prevent tracking of sediment or generation of dust.
- Avoid driving over stabilised or exposed soil.
- If trafficked surface is loose, apply water and compact, thereafter keep damp so traffic can compact and smooth off surface to minimise dust generation.
- Monitor controls to ensure they operate effectively and as planned.
- Locate stockpiles away from the site boundary, waterways and catchments, residential areas, and other sensitive receivers.
- Manage stockpiles in a way that minimises dust generation.
- Manage truck and vehicle movements to limit dust generation.
- Weekly traffic planning of site vehicles and review controls, produce traffic plan and distribute by use of flagging and signs to ensure site traffic remain on planned routes.
- Minimise site access to limit the impact from vehicles on roads.
- Identify entry and exit points, and high traffic areas.
- Stabilise site entry and exit points with a sealed road, aggregate or road base.
- Plant not in use to be turned off.
- Vehicles maintained as per manufacturers specifications.
- Water carts deployed to the source of dust.
- Intensity of identified activities reduced.
- Works stopped until wind conditions change or real time PM10 & PM2.5 measurements reduce to an acceptable level.
- Activities are not recommenced until there is confidence that the daily average will not be exceeded.
In the unlikely event monitored levels exceed EPA guidelines, a Trigger Action Response Protocol (TARP) has been implemented to provide a consistent mechanism to review and adapt site practises to ensure dust related impacts are minimised. Responses could include:
This protocol complies with relevant Australian Standards.
*This data is provided by the remediation contractor, Winslow, and is updated on a weekly basis. Frasers Property Australia has not verified the information provided by Winslow.
The Bradmill development reached a significant milestone on the 9 February 2024, with abatement works successfully completing. This means we have now remediated the soil to safely remove asbestos to the satisfaction of the hygienist and environmental auditor.
During abatement works, independent licensed hygienists were engaged to conduct consistent asbestos air monitoring and these results were made available to the community via the Bradmill Yarraville website. As the site has now been cleared for normal construction, this monitoring has ceased, and no further data will be available. Perimeter water mist spraying has also ceased.
We would like to reassure the community that dust monitoring is still ongoing, and Winslow continue to work closely with the EPA to ensure that all environmental controls remain functional.
View the live feed from the on-site timelapse camera below for live site updates. The camera is updated every 10 minutes.
*Please note, the camera will only be available during the remediation process and will be removed from the website once remediation is complete.
Bradmill Yarraville maintains a community contact phone number and a dedicated project email address. Through either the phone number or project email address, members of the community can find out more about the project and lodge feedback or enquiries.