Berwick Waters Quarterly Update July 2024

30 July 2024

Dear residents and community members,

There’s a lot going on at Berwick Waters, with much construction activity occurring, and more to come throughout the year ahead.

Two new road connections will shortly be underway and are set to be completed in 2025. Radiant Boulevard and Crosswater Boulevard will unlock new north/south access routes to Berwick Waters, providing greater connectivity within the community and to major arterial roads.

Mondous Property also expect to soon commence works on Churchill Boulevard (the main road through the future Town Centre) which will provide yet another access point.

We’re delighted to say we received State Government approval to begin work on our portion of Honour Avenue adjacent to the new sales centre, and our civil contractor has already begun. Site drainage works are underway, and we expect work to be finished by Q4 this year, weather permitting.

Construction work is well underway both on the Clyde North Primary School and Clyde North Secondary School (both interim names) in preparation for their opening in the first term of next year. The process for naming the schools is now closed, and we’re advised the names will likely be announced in the coming months. The two incoming principals have recorded videos introducing themselves to the community and we’ve included links to them in the table below for interested residents.

We’re ready to move to the next stage of construction of the Upper Banks and Stage 14 wetlands, however we are unable to begin until we receive the appropriate access licences from Melbourne Water. Some personnel changes at Melbourne Water have frustrated this process but we believe things are now moving forward again.

Also moving forward are our sporting ovals, which Council advises have now been formally included in its capital works budgets, with work set to start late this year and completion expected by mid 2026.

Elsewhere you might have noticed steady progress on what will be our landmark Tree Walk Park. It’s expected to be finished by the first quarter of next year. There’s a link below to a time lapse video of the work so far.

As usual if you have any questions or queries feel free to contact our Customer Care Team on 13 38 38.

Jill Lim, Development Director – Land, for Frasers Property Australia

Community Project
Who is responsible for delivery?
Status as at April 2024

New road upgrade to connect Soldiers Road to Bells Road (Bells Road Extension)

Frasers Property Australia

As we explained in our April update, our progress at the northern end of this upgrade was hampered by the need to recoat the major gas pipeline which runs perpendicular under the road.

Pleasingly, owners APA Group advise us the recoating process is now complete which means we should be able to start our work on the road, with a likely opening date of early 2025.

New road connection – Honour Avenue through to Riverstone Boulevard and Macumba Drive

Frasers Property Australia

State Government sign off has been received for the last 75m section of this portion of the road and the civil contractor is now underway with initial works.

We expect this final section of the road to open to the public in the fourth quarter of 2024.

When completed ownership will be transferred to City of Casey Council.

New road connection – Honour Avenue from Macumba Drive to Soldiers Road

Frasers Property Australia, Mondous Property Australia and Circa Estate/City of Casey

Frasers Property’s part of this new road connection was completed in July 2023, and Mondous Property is underway on their section. They expect to complete it in Q4 this year.

The third and final section of road is the responsibility of Circa Estate.

We have approached Council for an update on this portion of the road and are awaiting a response.

Upper Banks & Promenade Village and Emerald Bend wetlands

Frasers Property Australia

There are three different wetland areas to be delivered.

While we have a landscape contractor on board for the wetlands adjacent to the Upper Banks precinct we cannot begin until we receive an access licence from Melbourne Water, which owns the land. There have been staffing changes at Melbourne Water which have slowed the administration process but these now appear to have been resolved and we are hopeful the licence will be forthcoming shortly.

Completion of these works includes coordinating access for the different civil scopes, which include pedestrian and vehicle bridges. We are now targeting a Q2 2025 completion with wetland infrastructure construction expected to begin in late Q3 2024.

At the wetlands area near Stage 14, earthworks are now complete, and we are waiting for final approval from Melbourne Water before we can begin drainage construction. The current program is to commence drainage works in Q4 2024 with completion in Q1 2025. The completion of the landscape works that needs to follow has not yet been programmed.

At the final wetlands area near Stage 9 bulk earthworks and civil works are complete with only landscaping works remaining. The completion of the landscape works has not yet been programmed.

College Green Conservation Reserve

Frasers Property Australia

While each of the parties on this site — Council, Melbourne Water and the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (formerly DELWP) — have agreed to our revised plan we require Council approval and an access licence from Melbourne Water before we begin work.

Council approval has been received but the Melbourne Water access licence has not. As soon as this is received our landscape contractor will prepare a delivery timeline.

Sporting ovals (located at Springleaf Avenue between Waterfront and Heritage Hill precincts)

City of Casey

We’re pleased to say the City of Casey has confirmed the construction of the sporting ovals opposite the new display village and next to the new primary school is scheduled to commence in late 2024 with completion likely to be in mid 2026.

Council is preparing communications to share directly with local residents and a webpage will be produced to provide updates as the project progresses.

Residents can contact the City of Casey’s Recreation & Open Space Planning Team on 03 9705 5200 if they have a specific question.

Primary and secondary schools

Victorian Government (Department of Education and Training Victoria/Victorian School Building Authority (VSBA))

There has been exciting progress on both the future primary and secondary school sites within and adjacent to Berwick Waters.

The State Government-appointed builders are on site building the schools which will open and take students in Term 1 2025.

Principals have been appointed to both schools. You can watch a video interview with incoming Clyde North Primary School principal Kristy Miller HERE.

Meet Clyde North Secondary School incoming principal Leanne Winfield HERE.

The naming process for the schools has now closed and we’re advised that the schools are expected to named in the coming months. We will share these names once announced.

The Waterside Centre (next to McDonalds)

Mondous Property Australia

Mondous Property has appointed a new leasing agency to fill the remaining outstanding tenancies.

Mondous Island Wetlands

Mondous Property Australia

Final approval of a revised landscape masterplan for the area is still being worked through with City of Casey, but in the interim an early works package has commenced on site.

These works include construction of:

  • short pedestrian links at the north and south of the new vehicle bridge;
  • a pedestrian path on the eastern side of the wetland, creating a connection from Elland Road to Honour Avenue; and
  • a pedestrian boardwalk along Berwick-Cranbourne Road and associated paths linking to existing footpaths.

It’s anticipated these works will take approximately six months to complete.

The remaining landscape works in the Mondous Island Wetlands are expected to continue over the six months thereafter.

The Town Centre

Mondous Property Australia

Mondous Property is still finalising construction plans for the first stage of building works for the Town Centre, but there has been some good progress on the road works that will run through the precinct.

Tenders have been received and are being assessed for the main road (Churchill Boulevard) works that will connect Mondous Property’s section of Honour Avenue (currently under construction and referred to above) through to the future Bells Rd. Mondous Property anticipate commencing these civil works in Q4 this year.

Tree Walk Park

Frasers Property

We’re making great progress on what will be a stunning new facility for our community, Tree Walk Park. With a walkway through a canopy of mature trees, nature-based playground, barbecue areas and public toilets, the park is sure to be a well-used focal point. We expect it to be complete by Q1 2025. If you’d like to follow the park’s progress you can watch a time lapse video HERE.

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