Berwick Waters Quarterly Update September 2023

28 September 2023

Dear residents and community members,

Over the past few months most of the road projects at Berwick Waters have seen good progress.

As you know, a mix of government, statutory and private organisations are responsible for approvals and delivery of the various major infrastructure works at Berwick Waters, and this means our work progression can be dependent on decisions being made by other parties.

We’re continuing to work with those various parties to forge ahead with the roads, wetlands and town centre works residents are looking forward to.

In July we received the permit to build the final 150 metre section of the new road connection – Honour Avenue through to Riverstone Boulevard and Macumba Drive. As this section of road crosses the State significant desalination pipeline there were a few insurance considerations that complicated the process but all things running to plan the road should be open to the public in early 2024.

The gas contractor, APA Group, is about to get started recoating the existing major gas line on the new road upgrade to connect Soldiers Road to Bells Road. The upgraded road is expected to open at the end of the first quarter of 2024.

In an effort to move the schools delivery forward as quickly as possible Mondous and Frasers Property will begin site filling in the next few weeks, on both the primary and secondary school sites, to raise the land levels for building commencement. There is however, no further update from the Department of Education and Training on either the construction of the primary school or the purchase of the land for the secondary school.

If you live outside Berwick Waters but would like to receive updates by email, please sign up at or contact us on 13 38 38.

We appreciate your patience and feedback.

Jill Lim, Development Director – Land, for Frasers Property Australia

Community Project

Who is responsible for delivery?

Status as at September 2023

New road upgrade to connect Soldiers Road to Bells Road (Bells Road Extension)

Frasers Property Australia

A lot of progress has been made on the new section of road running between Soldiers Rd (where it bends) and Bells Road (where it currently terminates at Thompsons Road).

Kerb and channel work as well as base layer asphalt is now down on large sections of the road and a lot of concreting works have also now been completed.

Contractors are about to commence work on recoating of the major gas line which runs perpendicular under the road and is owned by APA Group.

At this point we still estimate the road will be open at the end of the first quarter of 2024.

New road connection – Honour Avenue through to Riverstone Boulevard and Macumba Drive

Frasers Property Australia

We’re glad to report in July we finally received our permit to build the final 150 metres of this road.

Because this is a sensitive piece of State significant infrastructure, there were significant insurance considerations that we needed to resolve with The Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (formerly DELWP).

This has meant finalising the contract with our civil contractor has been more complicated than expected. We hope to resolve these matters and commence construction soon. Once we begin, we expect the road to be completed in about eight weeks, subject to weather. A four-week authority compliance period will then be required prior to lodging the plan for registration at the Titles Office.

Due to the above we expect this final section of the road might not be open to the public until early 2024.

When completed ownership of the roads will be transferred to City of Casey Council.

New road connection – Honour Avenue from Macumba Drive to Soldiers Road

Frasers Property Australia, Mondous Property Australia and Circa Estate/City of Casey

Multiple stakeholders are responsible for various sections of these roadworks. The range of parties involved is due to land ownership boundaries and the separate planning permit requirements.

FPA’s part is now completed.

Mondous Property and Circa Estate are responsible for the other two final sections of the road that will connect back into Como Parade and Huckerby Drive/Soldiers Road. We are aware Mondous has submitted its plans to Council but is yet to receive approvals.

Mondous Property are currently tendering for their component of these works.

We understand Circa are discussing the completion of their sections of road with Council and the APA Group.

Upper Banks & Promenade Village and final wetlands

Frasers Property Australia

There are still three different wetland areas to be delivered and we are continuing to finalise tenders for this particularly complex piece of work.

This includes coordinating access for the different civil scopes, which include a pedestrian bridge and vehicle bridge.

We are still targeting a Q3 2024 completion with wetland infrastructure construction beginning in Q1 2024.

College Green Conservation Reserve

Frasers Property Australia

It remains the case that both statutory authorities, Council and Melbourne Water, have different outcomes they want to attain from this space.

We’ve had a further discussion with Council and Melbourne Water since the last update and sent further revised plans for Melbourne Water to consider. We are currently awaiting their feedback on same.

We will seek the earliest possible works commencement date from our appointed contractor as soon as gain approvals.

Sporting ovals (located at Springleaf Avenue between Waterfront and Heritage Hill precincts)

City of Casey

The City of Casey is continuing with their detailed design of the sporting ovals/sports courts in this location.

They have advised that construction of these facilities is subject to future annual budget processes and competing infrastructure priorities.

Residents can contact the City of Casey’s Recreation & Open Space Planning Team on 03 9705 5200 if they have a specific question.

Proposed primary school

Victorian Government (Department of Education and Training Victoria/Victorian School Building Authority (VSBA))

There are two landowners of the primary school site. Mondous Property owns the smaller area, and the developer of Aspen on Clyde owns the remainder.

We are aware discussions have been continuing between the landowners and the VSBA on the acquisition of the land though no sale has yet been reached.

However, you will have noted works have commenced on site to fill the land to the required levels to allow the school buildings to be built. Mondous Property is filling their land and Frasers Property is filling the land owned by Aspen on Clyde to help expedite the process.

Mondous Property is also filling the future proposed state secondary school portion of land that sits within Berwick Waters. Again, we understand the VSBA and Mondous Property are in discussions about the sale of this land but have no formal update at this point.

The Waterside Centre (next to McDonalds)

Mondous Property Australia

Mondous Property has appointed an additional leasing agency to help secure businesses for the centre.

Mondous Island Wetlands

Mondous Property Australia

Final landscape construction documentation will be submitted to the City of Casey once they provide approval of a revised landscape masterplan for the area.

The Town Centre

Mondous Property Australia

Bulk earthworks for the stage 1 Town Centre site are now underway with significant progress having been made over recent weeks.

Civil and building design work continues and the tender process to appoint a building contractor for the stage 1 buildings is underway.

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