Quarterly Update

21 December 2021

Dear residents and community members,

This is our third quarterly update to residents to keep everyone informed of progress in and around the Berwick Waters community.

As you know, there are a number of stakeholders involved in delivering the various components of the project. There has been some pleasing progress made in the last quarter and we’ve also advanced some of the planning processes.

Some parts, however, continue to move slower than we’d like. You will see a major transformation over the next 12 months though. It’s a big ship and we’ve started to see the ship turn!

In this update, we go through all the project components so you can see clearly what progress has been made and what the next steps are.

We thought it would also be useful to provide an update of what we know about the Monash Freeway/O’Shea Road upgrade.

Significant works have occurred on this State Government project that will add convenience to the residents of Berwick Waters by providing additional access to the Monash Freeway to travel inbound and another exit point when travelling inbound. Works are to be completed in 2022. 

Frasers Property Australia is working through the design and authority approvals of the new section of Bells Road that runs through Berwick Waters that we are responsible for. Construction will start in 2022 and completion is planned for 2023. We also understand Stockland is in discussions with Council about the final part of the road network through Minta that will connect Bells Road to the new freeway interchange at O’Shea Road, down through to Thompsons Road and beyond.

We will continue to update residents of Berwick Waters via email and keep the community updated via Facebook. For the latest new on Berwick Waters, check out www.frasersproperty.com.au/VIC/Berwick-Waters/News. If you live outside Berwick Waters but would like to receive updates by email, please sign up at www.frasersproperty.com.au/VIC/Berwick-Waters/Contact-Us or contact us on 13 38 38.

We appreciate your patience and feedback, and we’ll continue to provide updates to the community.


Sarah Bloom, General Manager Development Victoria, for Frasers Property Australia 


Community Project

Who is responsibility for delivery?

Status as at 20 December 2021 

New road connection - Honour Avenue through to Riverstone Boulevard and Macumba Drive

Frasers Property Australia

Sewers, drains and bulk earthworks are now complete on Stage 1 and 90% complete on Stage 2. Preliminary road construction works have now commenced and we are still on track for completion of the new connection in the second quarter of 2022. 

New road connection – Honour Avenue from Macumba Drive to Soldiers Road

Frasers Property Australia, Mondous Property Australia and Circa Estate/ City of Casey

These works are the responsibility of multiple stakeholders. Frasers Property has a short further extension of Honour Avenue east of Macumba Drive to complete first and we expect earthworks for this section of road to start in early 2022. All going well with authority approvals, we anticipate completing our section of the road by mid-2023. Mondous Property will then complete the next section east. Circa will be responsible for connecting the Mondous Property section back into Como Parade and Huckerby Drive/Soldiers Road. The range of parties involved is due to land ownership boundaries and the separate planning permit requirements that run with them. 


Upper Banks & Promenade Village Wetlands

Frasers Property Australia

The next step is to excavate the third and final section of the wetlands which we expect to commence in early 2022, subject to authority approvals which are well progressed. 
We are in the process of finalising authority approvals on our landscape plans with Council and Melbourne Water for the shared path network with seating and small fitness areas dotted along the first section of its length. Once plans are approved for the first section to be embellished we will order plants and from there can program delivery timeframes more accurately.

College Green Conservation Reserve

Frasers Property Australia

With the contract for the landscaping works already awarded to MJLC, we had hoped to be underway by now but unfortunately we are still frustratingly waiting for final design approval from the City of Casey, Melbourne Water and the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning. 
The approvals for this scope of works have been very arduous and we apologise for the inconvenience caused. We are the first project to seek planning approvals in this sensitive zone and being trailblazers here, we’ve suffered while the authorities try to align on what they each will accept within this corridor. 
We have progressed the design and construction work that we can do offsite to try to fast track delivery once the authorities sign off on our construction drawings.

Sporting ovals 
(located at Springleaf Avenue between Waterfront and Heritage Hill precincts)

City of Casey

The City of Casey has continued with the planning and design of the active playing fields and as mentioned last quarter, at the appropriate time they will invite contributions from the public on the design of these facilities. 
Residents can contact the City of Casey’s Recreation & Open Space Planning Team on 03 9705 5200 if they have a specific question. 

Proposed Primary School

Frasers Property Australia

Victorian Government 
(Department of Education and Training Victoria/Victorian School Building Authority)

The Waterside Centre (next to McDonalds)

 Mondous Property Australia

Mondous Property is managing the retail leasing and is currently targeting a gym and a restaurant. Unfortunately, the current market conditions for leasehold space has meant no new tenancies have been able to be secured over the past quarter. Several leasing agents have been briefed and are working towards an outcome. 

Mondous Island Wetlands

Mondous Property Australia 

Discussions continue on landscape plans, however these are not yet approved. Following approval by the City of Casey and Melbourne Water, the process of plant propagation, contractor tender and appointment, and ultimately works can be undertaken. 
We will update the community on the expected delivery timeframes in future updates.

The Town Centre

Mondous Property Australia

Since our last update the required landscape plan was submitted to Council and Council came back seeking some further clarifications on the planning. 
Mondous Property is coordinating the responses from the various consultants to submit back to Council as soon as possible. 
Planning approval for the Town Centre is anticipated to follow. 
Following this, the City of Casey will issue the permit for this use for the site. 
As mentioned in the last update, Mondous Property has commenced the next stage of the design regardless. An architect is working on the construction drawings for the first areas to be delivered in the Town Centre. 
Early earthworks for the site have also been planned with the intention of starting as soon as Council's planning process allows it. 
We expect to be able to share some layout plan drawings for the Town Centre in the next update. 

Estate Maintenance

Frasers Property Australia, residential owners & Wyndham City Council

We understand from Council that lawn maintenance is undertaken every three weeks. In our view, at this time of year, it requires a higher frequency to keep grass looking neat, tidy and low. 
The City of Casey recently released a statement regarding its Routine Open Space maintenance schedule. The statement references recent rainfall, COVID’s impact on equipment supply, and impacts to its mowing schedule. The statement is available here: https://www.casey.vic.gov.au/news/council-statement-regarding-long-grass 
This is an issue Frasers Property is concerned about too, and not having had any luck with Council we decided we would start mowing some sections ourselves. If you would also like to raise this with Council we encourage you to do so via the links below. 
https://www.casey.vic.gov.au/report-issue, phone (03) 9705 5200 or this App https://www.snapsendsolve.com

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