A change of scenery

Set to be unveiled early next year, Frasers Property’s hotly anticipated new Brisbane project, The Quarry, is readying itself to create a breath-taking first impression.

09 June 2022
The Quarry

Nick Kostellar grew up in The Gap in Brisbane’s leafy north-western suburbs. For as long as he can remember he’s been distantly aware of the existence of the quarry cut into the side of Enoggera Hill in neighbouring Keperra, that due to its elevation remains largely hidden from view.

Joining Frasers Property Australia back in May 2022 in the role of Development Director for the Keperra quarry’s transformation into a reclaimed and regreened residential community, Nick’s first visit to the site left him astonished at its potential.

“Having been a local most of my life, I’ve driven past Keperra Quarry a million times,” says Nick. “I’d never set foot on it before joining Frasers Property and I really had no idea what to expect. The first thing that hits you is how dramatic the elevation is – 190 metres above sea level at its highest point. The views are incredible. The other is how quiet and peaceful it is. At that height, the noise of traffic sort of falls away and you are really aware of the sounds of birds and breezes in the trees. It’s surprisingly idyllic.”

The surprise of The Quarry, the name Frasers Property has given to its new Brisbane community, is also something Senior Marketing Manager Danielle Graves brings up as the team puts the finishing touches on the plan to launch in early 2023.

“There’s a lot of curiosity in the local community about what’s going to happen here to transform the site,” says Danielle. “And I think when the entry road and first phase of the recreation precinct opens in a few months, people are going to be blown away by the experience. You’re going to be able to see for yourself why there is nothing else like this in Brisbane.”

Enabling future residents to see and experience what life has to offer at The Quarry has been a driving force behind the project’s launch plan since Frasers Property acquired the site in December 2019. This has meant 18 months of civil works and earthworks to create a public entry point to the site, landscape The Quarry’s impressive cliffside entry statement, cut in internal roads, and construct the architect-designed residents pavilion, which will also function as the sales centre for the project in the short-term.

“When you have a once-in-a-lifetime kind of project like this, demonstrating the vision early is critically important,” says Nick. “Frasers Property took the decision to put a lot of the heavy investment up front to set the scene.”

That scene includes landscaped gardens and viewpoints around the pavilion as well as the first of three resident pools, village green, and a dedicated lounge area for enjoying stunning sunset views over Brisbane’s western mountain ranges. Later works will deliver a resort-style pool, splash and play area for kids, BBQ facilities, and a residents’ gymnasium.

Jeff Brown, principal architect with acclaimed Australian architectural firm Rothelowman, has led the design of the residents’ precinct and says that the beautiful and unusual qualities of the site have been front of mind as the vision for the place took shape.

“The reoccupation of the quarry with sub-tropical landscaping is a very powerful idea,” says Jeff. “Within this regenerative approach, we wanted the residents’ pavilion to embrace that idea in every aspect. Its materiality celebrates the geology of the site, with masonry blades and a huge boulder supporting the floating roof of the structure. The building looks outwards seeking interaction with the surrounding softscape of native greenery as well as the dramatic views to the quarried cliffs above and the distant mountain range to the west. The architecture is deliberately subservient to the raw power of the landscape.”

Despite its elevation and contours, the Frasers Property team have designed every residential lot to be a flat building pad, removing the need for expensive split-level design that’s often required for hillside homes. That simplicity, combined with a remarkable open space design that incorporates places for relaxation and contemplation as well as active zones for hiking and biking, is already garnering strong market interest despite no marketing for the project yet taking place.

“We’ve been keeping the surrounding community well informed with our progress,” explains Danielle. “Technically we’re not open for business yet, but we already have more than 600 people on a database who are keen to be informed as soon as we are. That’s a testament to the rarity of what’s on offer at The Quarry and its remarkable natural beauty.”

The Quarry is set for public launch in early 2023. For more information, contact Frasers Property Australia on 13 38 38.

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