Baldivis Parks Construction Update - Stage 11

Please find below the latest construction information currently underway in Stage 11.
Stage 11
With the new year just begun and industry personnel taking extended leave there has been a drop in productivity on site, however the civil contractor has managed to re-allocate resources to ensure completion timing is not affected.
All underground sewer and drainage are now complete while retaining walls and underground power service is progressing, expecting to be complete in early February. Roadworks have now just commenced. Practical Completion is anticipated to be in March 2024.
Helpful downloads
Stage 11 Plan Download
Baldivis Parks Overall Plan Download
As we launch into 2024 the Baldivis Community is offering so much for residents to enjoy, from sports to playgroups to recreation centres.
Get Active - How about learning Pickleball?
Whether you're a Pickleball master or if you're trying the sport for the first time, head down to the Baldivis Indoor Sports Complex to have some fun. Games run on Wednesdays 8.30am – 10.30am and Sundays 4.30pm – 6.30pm throughout the school term. For more information, please contact the centre on 9591 0840 or email
If you would like to contact a sport and recreation club, you can access their information through the City of Rockingham Activity Guide or visit the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries find a club.
Get involved with a local community group
Community groups to get involved with:
CWA Baldivis Belles “Women supporting women". We don’t just knit and make scones (most of us don’t do that at all ) Visit our branch and see if the vibe finds you your tribe. Current community project includes Women's Refuge Starter kits.
Other great local groups include:
- Baldivis & Districts Community Men's Shed Inc
- Baldivis Playgroup
- Baldivis Badminton Club
- Baldivis Community Garden
- Rotary Club of Baldivis
- Baldivis Little Athletics Centre
- 54 Army Cadet Unit Baldivis
- Baldivis Volunteer Fire & Emergency Services
- Baldivis Lions Club
Celebrate New Zealand Lantern Markets February 23, 2024!
Baldivis Parks will host the very first NZ themed Lantern markets Friday February 23, 5-8pm. Pop down to Daintree Park for Maori Dance performances, make a kiwi craft, market stalls and live music from Jacob Pihema.
Follow the Facebook event page to stay up to date.
Front garden maintenance
Just a reminder that maintenance of the front garden all the way to the verge (including corner lots) is the responsibility of each homeowner to maintain and is a condition of the restrictive covenants as noted in your contract for sale. This not only enhances the street appeal but can positively impact your property value.
Street trees
A reminder that a street tree is included as part of your landscaping package. It’s wonderful to see the trees in some of the more established streets starting to flourish. Below are some of the many benefits of planting a tree:
- Improve air quality
- Reduce surface heat. (Especially important in our Perth environment)
- Protect your property value
- Aids in storm water management
Please contact your Customer Care Manager, Fiona Johnson, if you would like a street tree to be planted on your verge.
Dates for the diary
We have locked in the dates for the season ahead (make sure you add them to your diary!):
- Friday 23 February 2024 - Celebrate New Zealand - Lantern Markets
- Friday 29 March 2024 - Good Friday Easter Lantern Markets
If you are a Baldivis Parks resident, a community group or sporting group and would like to participate please reach out to event organisers Street Hassle events at
For all other community ideas please reach out to our community team
Helpful links
Baldivis Parks Facebook page - Visit
Baldivis Parks Residents' Run Facebook page - Visit
We thank you for purchasing at Baldivis Parks and we look forward to providing more updates on what is happening in your community in the future.
Do you have great community ideas? Reach out to our Community team at
Warm regards
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