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myFrasersProperty 13 38 38

Five Farms Construction Update – Stages 1-4

30 March 2023
Construction Update

Welcome to the latest Five Farms Construction Update.

We’re excited to keep you informed about how the project is progressing, give you insights into the construction process and ensure you’re up to date with the development of your new community.

Construction Progress

The boring of the outfall sewer is nearing completion, however, delays have been experienced due to ground conditions. The Five Farms team continues to work with the approval Authorities to gain Statement of Compliance as early as possible. Unfortunately the delays will see settlement move into May 2023.

Settlement Forecast

Settlement of your land is now anticipated in May 2023.

Please note that the anticipated timeframe for settlement is indicative and subject to change due to the civil works program, external authority involvement and weather conditions.

Helpful Links

Builder Information

Meet & Greet

We're available to discuss any questions or concerns you may have regarding your coming settlement.

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If you have any queries at all regarding settlement, we encourage you to get in touch!

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