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myFrasersProperty 13 38 38

The Quarry - Settlement Update

27 October 2023

Plan Sealing Lodged

We are thrilled to announce you are one step closer to building your future home at The Quarry, as plan sealing documents have now been lodged with Brisbane City Council.

Council is required to approve and endorse all survey plans before new land titles are established. We’ve been working closely with local authorities over the last year to ensure the vision for Brisbane’s most celebrated and elevated new neighbourhood can come to life.

Typically the plan sealing approval process takes four weeks. We anticipate title registration to be issued in late November/early December in preparation for settlement. Should there be any change to this timing as we progress through plan sealing and title registration, our Customer Care team will be in contact with you.

Cliffside Stairs Unveiled

We have another momentous occasion to celebrate onsite this month, with The Quarry’s magnificent cliffside stairs officially in!

Manufactured locally in Sumner, see first-hand how these stairs were installed onto the granite cutface. This spectacular structure will be open to the public in the coming weeks so keep an eye out on our social platforms for further details.

If you have any queries about your property, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We look forward to hearing from you.

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