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Planning for your move

The first step to take when planning a move is to compile a thorough checklist of things to do as you get closed to the final date. This process will put into perspective the tasks that lie ahead and help you prioritise so that it’s a well organised and efficient process.

Most of the big jobs with the move will involve finding a removalist, connecting phone, gas, electricity and notifying important contacts of your change address.

Download your settlement guide

Below are some of the important services you’ll need to consider.

Your home is individually metered for electricity. As your settlement approaches you will need to arrange an electricity connection for your new home to ensure it is active for the day you move in.

Your home is fitted with gas cooktops and a gas barbecue, bulk metered for through Origin Energy. As your settlement approaches, you will be provided with the appropriate forms for these connections to ensure your connection is active for the day you move in.

Your home is cabled with the latest optic fibre technology to allow for the delivery of Australia’s fastest broadband (up to 100Mbps).

The network is provided and maintained by OptiComm Co Pty Ltd. OptiComm is a wholesale telecommunications carrier and as such does not supply the Internet or telephone services, instead these are supplied to Retail Service Providers (RSPs) that connect to the OptiComm network.

An up to date list of RSPs can be found on the OptiComm website.

As part of the settlement process, and the changing of titles through Titles Queensland, Brisbane City Council will be advised that you are the new owner of your home, and an account will be set up for you. At this point in time you will start to receive your rate notices.

If you do not start to receive your council rate notice, you need to contact Brisbane City Council to request an update.

For more information about accounts visit the Brisbane City Council website.

As part of the settlement process, and the changing of titles through Titles Queensland, Urban Utilities will be advised that you are the new owner of your home, they will update their records and send you a welcome letter.

If you do not start to receive your water rate notice, you need to contact Queensland Urban Utilities to request an update.

For more information about water rates visit the Urban Utilities website.

Once you are notified of your settlement date, you will need to arrange the appropriate insurances that may include building and contents insurance. Examples of contents to be insured are:

  • Carpets, light fittings, curtains and blinds
  • All personal equipment and valuables
  • Furniture, white goods and household items
  • Public liability inside the lot

When arranging your personal contents insurance policy you should ensure that it meets the specific circumstances of the building.

Disclaimer: While Frasers Property has tried to ensure that all information provided on this page is complete, accurate or up to date, the content is provided ‘as is’ and ‘as available’ and Frasers Property takes no responsibility for any error or omission relating to this information.

Your dedicated Community Development Team

Meet the Community Development team at Hamilton Reach who help in creating an enriching and engaging place to live. The dedicated team work with Hamilton Reach residents to develop the events and activities program by identifying and mobilising community talents, skills and strengths of the residents so that people within the community are inspired to take control of their future at Hamilton Reach. To find out What’s On at Hamilton Reach please visit our What’s On Page.

Marion Allard Community Development Manager Queensland

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