myFrasersProperty 13 38 38
myFrasersProperty 13 38 38

Brookhaven Construction Update - The Grove Release One

02 April 2024

Welcome to your April construction update for The Grove Release One.

Construction Progress

Construction on site is continuing to progress well, with stormwater infrastructure and concrete sleeper retaining walls having recently been installed. Our electrical contractors are now mobilized on site, and roads within the precinct will continue to take shape with kerb scheduled for installation in the coming weeks. Throughout April, roadworks will continue to progress, and landscaping teams will commence their work on the streetscapes and open spaces that make The Grove so special.

Settlement Update

We are pleased to advise that settlement remains on schedule to occur mid-year. As always, our focus remains on quality and program as we work with our contractor to ensure we can settle your property as soon as possible. Should there be any change to this timing, our Customer Care team will be in contact with you.

Congratulations again on your purchase; we look forward to welcoming you to the Brookhaven community.

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