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myFrasersProperty 13 38 38

Meet your local care team.

Our state care teams are here to help you whenever you need. With state and local project-specific knowledge, we can ensure you are informed with the most up-to-date information.

Fiona Johnson

Customer Care Manager

Perth, WA

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Fiona Johnson leans on 20 years of expertise and insight in the property sector, with extensive experience in both land and built form developments. Her personable and consultative approach delivers an improved purchasing experience and outcome for every customer.

Bachelor of Arts-Education and Certificate of Registration - Real Estate Sales Representative; Frasers Property Australia People, Project, Customer 2022 Award Recipient

AllBaldivis Grove, Baldivis Parks, Frasers Landing, Port Coogee, Queens Riverside

Other States

We have dedicated care teams in each state, it's so that when you buy from us, you'll feel confident, cared for, appreciated and understood in your journey with us.

NSW Team

QLD Team

VIC Team

Customer Service